Stellatine Green Foundation

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Our Goal

Reduce the vulnerability of forest and agricultural areas to external factors of deforestation and soil degradation.

Contribution to the sustainable development of the rural population living in and around the forests

Our Services
our services
Negative Emission Certificates (NEC)

The main product is the sale of carbon offsets in the form of NECs to our funders. With Carbon offsets, a company, government or individual pay us to actively remove from the atmosphere a certain amount of greenhouse gases produced elsewhere. 

Substitution Credits:

A second product is substitution credits which are generated by replacing fossil fuel energy with renewable energy, for example replacing kerosene lighting with solar lamps, or in the form of buying clean cooking stoves for schools and families, reducing the cutting of firewood, or by funding a solar project that replaces fossil fuels in the electricity grid.

Livelihood Programs:

Food production in order to increase food supply to curb food insecurity in Uganda by maize and vegetable and fruit tree plantations. Other corresponding projects like Bee keeping in the Reafforestated areas, fisheries, pigery and poultry productions to improve on the economic development of the local communities.

Our Partners

STELLATINE GREEN FOUNDATION NURSERY BED is a community nursery bed for breeding only indigenous trees that are under the extinction process in Uganda. The main purpose of this nursery bed is to recover the indigenous species of trees that have been affected by climate degradation like firewood collection and charcoal burnings in Uganda. The trees that are being breeded in the bed include the following.Trees that we have in our nursery bed are1-Albizia coriaria (omusisa) 2-Markhamia lutea (omusambya). 3-Measopsis eminii (omusiza). 4-Khaya anthotheca ( mahogany). 5-Macademia interfera (omutini). 6-Blighia uniganta (omwatibare). 7-Bersma abyssinica ( omuhingura). 8-measa leonclanta ( omuhanga).


We also contribute to the breeding of fruit trees like mangoes, Avocados, oranges and apples. These are to improve on food nutrition especially for pregnant mothers and children under growth states.
Breeding of medicinal trees is also under process as a way of contributing to cheap and accessible local means of disease prevention. In African traditional society the use of medicinal herbs is more frequent due to limited means of pharmaceutical medicines and lack of hospitals and healthy centers in the communities.

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